
Poppy Day Proclamation

The city of Oak Creek invited Avery, who is Unit #434's Poppy Princess to the May city council meeting to meet the alderpersons and the administrators. After the introductions, Avery handed out poppies to everyone at the meeting and they were very generous to her in return. Mayor Dan Bukiewicz then issued by proclamation National Poppy Day in the month of May

Roadrunners' Annual Bike Blessing

A local motorcycle club holds its annual bike blessing here at the legion post in the parking lot. The lower hall was used for motorcycle themed vendors and the auxiliary has the privilege to serve food to all who attend. We served hamburgers and brats from the kitchen of the lower hall. We love the opportunity to support them and we are happy to serve everyone. This year was a cold, cloudy day so we had to dress warm even though we were indoors.  We were ready to serve the many people who attend.     Everyone was dressed in their warmest motorcycle jackets on the chilly day. This was a very successful event for our auxiliary catering service. The attendees were happy with the food and we were glad to hear it.

Legion Family Picnic

Today the Oak Creek Legion Post #434 held its annual family picnic. The post members, auxiliary, SAL, and legion riders all attend. Frankly, it's a good opportunity for members to renew their memberships for the following year. Let the membership drive begin - ha! The post provides the meats and the families bring a dish to pass making for a wonderful pot luck picnic lunch.  There were raffle prizes to make the afternoon even more fun. Our auxiliary chaplain, Marie lead the meal with a prayer.  Bonnie, collected dues and handed out membership cards during the event.  Fun and fellowship was on display all afternoon.  The sunny summer day was perfect and it was wonderful to share food, fun, and fellowship with the entire legion family. 

WI District #4 Spring Conference

  The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin Fourth District Spring Conference was held today at Oelschlaeger-Dallmann Post #434 here in Oak Creek. The outgoing president is our own Diana Richards, who was honored at the event. After the opening ceremonies which included an invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, and the reading of the Preamble. A POW/MIA Table Ceremony was also held during the opening ceremony.  Diana Richard Diana introduced all the officers, both past and present followed by guest speaker Lyle Riffel who is the Post #434 Commander. Our second speaker was the Wisconsin Department President, Joanie Dickerson who had a 20-year career in the Navy. The speakers were engaging and we enjoyed listening to what they had to say. A mention was made of the new Auxiliary rule that states men can join and a male member was introduced to us as he was in attendance at this conference.  Joanie Dickerson As each Unit President read their reports, the com

Bonnie Jakubczyk elected State Auxiliary President!

Bonnie was elected as Wisconsin's American Legion Auxiliary President at the 97th Department Convention in Appleton today. Bonnie's vision for the year is where everyone is polite and kind to each other, a focus on civility in the American Legion Auxiliary. Bonnie stated in her acceptance speech, "...I had epilepsy. Growing up I was around some very negative people. I know firsthand how hurtful people can be when they do not think before they speak. Since having brain surgery I can now say that I have been in my right mind for 23 years. We all need to Support Member Involvement; Let's Encourage (SMILE). By our smiles, we will truly make Wisconsin proud. Let the smiles start and continue as we work together as a Legion Family and promote our mission of Service Not Self thus making this vision a reality."  Anyone who meets Bonnie will see how effectively she promotes this cause as she is always smiling. Here are some photos of Bonnie's day at the convention: Bon


We are the American Legion Auxiliary Unit located at Oelschlaeger-Dallman Post 434 in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We have monthly meetings and work to achieve the goals and objectives as described in our mission statement. If you would like to join us please see our membership page and follow the instructions that you will find there. We hope you visit our site often for regular updates of the events and volunteer opportunities available to you. Thank you for stopping by.